Understanding Tartar on Teeth: Causes, Prevention, and Effective Removal

Tartar on Teeth Causes Prevention and Effective Removal

Have you ever noticed a rough, yellowish layer on your teeth that doesn’t seem to go away even after brushing? That’s tartar, also known as dental calculus. It’s not just an aesthetic issue; tartar can lead to serious dental problems if not addressed properly. In this blog, we will explore the causes of tartar on teeth, prevention strategies, and effective methods for dental tartar removal. Whether you’re looking for tartar treatment at home or professional dental calculus treatment in Ahmedabad, we’ve got you covered.

What is Tartar?

Tartar, or dental calculus, is a hardened form of plaque that adheres to the teeth. This is a substance that resembles a thin coat formed at the base of the teeth or gums as a result of eating or drinking. If plaque does not get washed away through brushing and flossing, it becomes a tartar. There exists a big difference between plaque and tartar: while the former can be easily washed away by brushing, the latter cannot be wiped off through brushing.

Causes of Tartar on Teeth

Some measures that you can take to prevent are getting to know the causes of tartar on teeth. Here are some key factors

  • Poor Oral Hygiene: Failure to brush and floss properly creates an opportunity for the formation of tartar by allowing plaque to form and eventually solidify.
  • Diet: The direct evidence also shows that the intake of foods rich in sugar and starch leads to the development of plaques. Bad bacteria in the mouth break these foods to release acids that cause the formation of plaques.
  • Smoking: Smoking habits have a direct connection with the development of tartar. Smoking heightens the paradigm of the ardent tenacity of the plaque buildup than non-smokers.
  • Genetics: Others are born with a high body chemistry that prevents them from having clean teeth free from tartar.
  • Medical Conditions: Tartar is being formed more due to such factors as diabetes or hormonal changes in the body.

Prevention Strategies

These are some methods that would help to stop the formation of tartar: Brooke oral hygiene, and some changes in your daily routine. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Brush Regularly: To effectively manage your oral health you should take necessary measures that would involve brushing your teeth at least twice a day using fluoridated toothpaste. Anyone needs to ensure that for every brushing, it takes 2 minutes within your mouth and all around the teeth.
  • Floss Daily: This is because it aids in the clean status of the dental plaque as well as the food particles found in between your teeth that the toothbrush cannot be able to penetrate, this is between the teeth and the gum edges.
  • Use an Antiseptic Mouthwash: Mouthwash can help reduce plaque-causing bacteria.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet: Limit sugary and starchy foods, and eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Regular Dental Checkups: Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups. Professional dental cleanings are the only way to remove tartar once it has formed.
  • Quit Smoking: Another factor that is greatly harmful to the health of your mouth is smoking cigarettes, if you are a smoker you realise that there are some efforts that you have to make in order not to harm your mouth with tartar.

Effective Methods for Dental Tartar Removal

If you have already developed tartar, it is vital to get it cleaned and further formation be stopped to avoid negative impacts on your mouth. Here are some effective methods for teeth tartar removal:

  • Professional Dental Cleanings: Cleanings are professional dental treatments referred to as prophylaxis and are given by a dental hygienist or dentist. In the process of this washing, the hygienist utilises some tools to scrape the tartar at a place that is on and beneath the gum line. This social process is referred to as scaling. In addition, tooth scaling might also be done especially for patients who have much tartar formed on the teeth surfaces as well as root planing.
  • Ultrasonic Instruments: Ultrasonic instruments work with high frequencies and the cavitation effect to evenly disintegrate dental tartar removal. This instrument is designed with a metallic incising tip that vibrates and incorporates water used to rinse debris. The research has had some findings in proving that ultrasonic scaling is more effective than traditional manual scaling in that it causes less discomfort to the patients.
  • Laser Dentistry: Laser treatment is one of the latest methods of procedure carried out to remove dental tartar. There are solid advantages of using laser technology in surgery to remove tartar as it can selectively destroy pathological tissue without affecting the surrounding healthy tissues. This is commonly done with less discomfort and can also lead to even faster rates of rehabilitation.
  • Home Remedies and Over-the-Counter Products: While professional cleaning is the most effective way for dental tartar removal, some home remedies and over-the-counter products can help control plaque and prevent tartar formation: Even though professional cleaning is the best way to scrape tartar off, there are several natural procedures and items that one can use to prevent the build-up of plaque thus tartar:
    • Baking Soda: The participants can Gordon some paste of baking soda and water to clean their teeth, as this is effective in the reduction of plaque through neutralisation of acids in the mouth.
    • Hydrogen Peroxide: Water and 3% hydrogen peroxide help combat bacterial growth and avoid plaque formation within the mouth area.
    • Tartar Control Toothpaste: These are nonpast dentifrices that contain declaration agents that help prevent the formation of tartar from plaque.

Dental Calculus Treatment Options

Dental calculus treatment requires the attention of competent personnel else it will trigger other related issues. Here are some options:

  • Scaling and Root Planing: It is worth recalling that the two most applied treatment techniques are scaling and root planing. These procedures are comprehensive and will ensure that gum disease is eliminated, and tartar, and then the tooth roots are formed.
  • Antibiotic Therapy: Occasionally, they may ask the patient to take antibiotics that will help reduce bacterial presence in the gums. A professional cleaning may be enhanced by antibiotic-instrumented scaling and root planing.
  • Surgical Treatments: In a more advanced stage of gum disease due to the exposure of tartar, surgical procedures might be required for effective tartar treatment.

Dental Calculus Treatment in Ahmedabad

If you are in Ahmedabad and looking for professional dental calculus treatment, you have access to a range of experienced dental professionals. Dental clinics in Ahmedabad offer comprehensive tartar treatment services, including:

  • Professional Cleanings: Regular cleanings to remove tartar and prevent gum disease.
  • Advanced Treatments: Specialty treatments such as laser treatment and ultrasonic surface scraping.
  • Personalized Care: In this article, the authors elaborate on the various unique healthcare facilities that are available from dentists in the city of Ahmedabad.


Dental tartar is particularly a normal problem that most people suffer and if not attended to, can cause severe dental problems. You can keep your smile bright by knowing the reasons for tartar formation and following the management techniques that can be used regularly. Oral prophylaxis is critical because it helps check for signs of dental tartar and involves regular dental visits for cleaning. When it comes to finding a good dental clinic in Ahmedabad that can provide the best dental calculus treatment in Ahmedabad, make sure to focus on clinics that offer the latest treatment services.